User Guide

This document provides an introduction on usage. It requires that you are already familiar with Python and know a little bit about boolean algebra. All definitions and laws are stated in Concepts and Definitions.

Introduction implements a boolean algebra. It defines two base elements, TRUE and FALSE, and a class Symbol for variables. Expressions are built by composing symbols and elements with AND, OR and NOT. Other compositions like XOR and NAND are not implemented.


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Creating boolean expressions

There are three ways to create a boolean expression. They all start by creating an algebra, then use algebra attributes and methods to build expressions.

You can build an expression from a string:

>>> import boolean
>>> algebra = boolean.BooleanAlgebra()
>>> algebra.parse('x & y')
AND(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'))

>>> parse('(apple or banana and (orange or pineapple and (lemon or cherry)))')
OR(Symbol('apple'), AND(Symbol('banana'), OR(Symbol('orange'), AND(Symbol('pineapple'), OR(Symbol('lemon'), Symbol('cherry'))))))

You can build an expression from a Python expression:

>>> import boolean
>>> algebra = boolean.BooleanAlgebra()
>>> x, y = algebra.symbols('x', 'y')
>>> x & y
AND(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'))

You can build an expression by using the algebra functions:

>>> import boolean
>>> algebra = boolean.BooleanAlgebra()
>>> x, y = algebra.symbols('x', 'y')
>>> TRUE, FALSE, NOT, AND, OR, symbol = algebra.definition()
>>> expr = AND(x, y, NOT(OR(symbol('a'), symbol('b'))))
>>> expr
AND(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'))
>>> print(expr.pretty())

>>> print(expr)

Evaluation of expressions

By default, an expression is not evaluated. You need to call the simplify() method explicitly an expression to perform some minimal simplification to evaluate an expression:

>>> import boolean
>>> algebra = boolean.BooleanAlgebra()
>>> x, y = algebra.symbols('x', 'y')
>>> print(x&~x)
>>> print(x|~x)
>>> print(x|x)
>>> print(x&x)
>>> print(x&(x|y))
>>> print((x&y) | (x&~y))

When simplify() is called, the following boolean logic laws are used recursively on every sub-term of the expression:

Also double negations are canceled out (Double negation).

A simplified expression is return and may not be fully evaluated nor minimal:

>>> import boolean
>>> algebra = boolean.BooleanAlgebra()
>>> x, y, z = algebra.symbols('x', 'y', 'z')
>>> print((((x|y)&z)|x&y).simplify())

Equality of expressions

The expressions equality is tested by the __eq__() method and therefore the output of \(expr_1 == expr_2\) is not the same as mathematical equality.

Two expressions are equal if their structure and symbols are equal.

Equality of Symbols

Symbols are equal if they are the same or their associated objects are equal.

>>> import boolean
>>> algebra = boolean.BooleanAlgebra()
>>> x, y, z = algebra.symbols('x', 'y', 'z')
>>> x == y
>>> x1, x2 = algebra.symbols("x", "x")
>>> x1 == x2
>>> x1, x2 = algebra.symbols(10, 10)
>>> x1 == x2

Equality of structure

Here are some examples of equal and unequal structures:

>>> import boolean
>>> algebra = boolean.BooleanAlgebra()
>>> expr1 = algebra.parse("x|y")
>>> expr2 = algebra.parse("y|x")
>>> expr1 == expr2
>>> expr = algebra.parse("x|~x")
>>> expr == TRUE
>>> expr1 = algebra.parse("x&(~x|y)")
>>> expr2 = algebra.parse("x&y")
>>> expr1 == expr2

Analyzing a boolean expression

Getting sub-terms

All expressions have a property args which is a tuple of its terms. For symbols and base elements this tuple is empty, for boolean functions it contains one or more symbols, elements or sub-expressions.

>>> import boolean
>>> algebra = boolean.BooleanAlgebra()
>>> algebra.parse("x|y|z").args
(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'), Symbol('z'))

Getting all symbols

To get a set() of all unique symbols in an expression, use its symbols attribute

>>> import boolean
>>> algebra = boolean.BooleanAlgebra()
>>> algebra.parse("x|y&(x|z)").symbols
{Symbol('y'), Symbol('x'), Symbol('z')}

To get a list of all symbols in an expression, use its get_symbols method

>>> import boolean
>>> algebra = boolean.BooleanAlgebra()
>>> algebra.parse("x|y&(x|z)").get_symbols()
[Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'), Symbol('x'), Symbol('z')]


Symbols and negations of symbols are called literals. You can test if an expression is a literal:

>>> import boolean
>>> algebra = boolean.BooleanAlgebra()
>>> x, y, z = algebra.symbols('x', 'y', 'z')
>>> x.isliteral
>>> (~x).isliteral
>>> (x|y).isliteral

Or get a set() or list of all literals contained in an expression:

>>> import boolean
>>> algebra = boolean.BooleanAlgebra()
>>> x, y, z = algebra.symbols('x', 'y', 'z')
>>> x.literals
>>> (~(x|~y)).get_literals()
[Symbol('x'), NOT(Symbol('y'))]

To remove negations except in literals use literalize():

>>> (~(x|~y)).literalize()


To substitute parts of an expression, use the subs() method:

>>> e = x|y&z
>>> e.subs({y&z:y})

Using to define your own boolean algebra

You can customize about everything in to create your own custom algebra: 1. You can subclass BooleanAlgebra and override or extend the tokenize() and parse() methods to parse custom expressions creating your own mini expression language. See the tests for examples.

2. You can subclass the Symbol, NOT, AND and OR functions to add additional methods or for custom representations. When doing so, you configure BooleanAlgebra instances by passing the custom sub-classes as agruments.